Web Video Still Exploding…Newspapers Still Imploding

Newspapers are still relevant so this is not another Newspaper death message (just mostly dead). Alley Insider is with me on the ‘mostly dead’ theme as well.

I read Investor’s Business daily and when I go to the grocery store to buy Captain Crunch and thirty people are ahead of me in the express line with more than eight items (serenity now), I catch up on the STAR and The Enquirer. I do still dream of paparazzi following me around and me trying to lose them, but I digress :) .

We finally got around to making fun of Newspapers death spiral on Wallstrip :

It’s funny how everyone talks of the bubble in web video when nobody has truly got it right yet. That keeps me bullish.

Yesterday I saw a great blog post over at Beet.TV that drove home how early we still are in web video. It’s so early, the US Army has figured it out. They are getting 70 percent of their prospects from online video. People…this is not ice cream they are selling.

You watch your cost structure, you find a niche and you deliver a good message that adds value…YOU BUILD AUDIENCE.

Or you are the government.

Either way :) .