Web Video…You say 'Bubble', I say 'BOOM'!

Venture dollars are continuing to pour into web video. Alley Insider has more data . NewTeeVee is always an excellent source of web video information as well.

In the first quarter of 2008, $217 million was invested in the sector.

Most of this money is coming from accredited adults so chill on the bubble stuff. The nerds should feel lucky because they have a topic to whine and link about and the artsy tartsies should be in a lather because someone is out there to fund their pinko ideas. But I digress…

There is some amazing stuff being created at this point in the cycle. For the cycle to continue, we are going to need way better discovery tools and a monetization monster to show itself (YouTube only has $100 million in revenue). We are way ahead of ourselves. In the meantime, check out the BEST ACTOR on the web, Brent Rose in ‘The Leif Garrison Project ‘. It is truly hysterical. Brent was our Wallstrip ‘Flasher ‘ in Adobe and has been in many other Wallstrips.

My good friend Jon Labes helped produce, shoot and edit the shows.

Also from the same group comes ‘Braxton Price: The Price of Freedom ‘ with Aaron Nauta (many Wallstrip’s) as the main character: