Weightwatchers (WTW) on Wallstrip

I am not one for diets and peer pressure. I am for eating and complaining. Weight Watchers (WTW) relies on the former. It is doing quite well without me. As we point out today on Wallstrip , men and e-commerce are on their minds.

YouTube and the other video web sites are full of vlogs related to weightwatcher devotees .

Here is the Google Finance page . The main competition – in the public market arena – is Nutri-Systems (NTRI) . The Fly is long and writes about the wild ride often if you want to stay on top of it. I love the Dan Marino endorsement. the pictures look the exact same before and after.

The stock has been basing in the $40-$60 range forever (since 2002). It would seem obvious that price will resolve itself in the very long term uptrend direction (up). I am in no rush to own it until I see more strenght, but it looks buyable right now if you can stop yourself in the $48 range on the downside.

Brian has an in-depth look at the technical picture. He would agree that there is no rush, but you can buy with a stop in the high 40’s if you can’t wait for the price direction to really show itself.

Brian is also starting to use Brightcove which looks sweet from a design standpoint and I will check in with him to see how easy it is to use. Another reason Revver seems like it is finished at this point.

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  1. Pingback: 9-17-07 Weight Watcher’s International Inc. | Wallstrip

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