What's Hot: Intuit INTU

It seems like Intuit $INTU is really becoming a monopoly of your financial data.  There are no contenders and with the acquisition of Mint.com, even the cool kids are on board.

Very impressive how Quicken has completely dominated the personal finance software space and beat or bought everyone.

Bill Gates was right in trying to buy them way back when.  I am eyeing this great company now.


  1. Kiran says:

    Intuit has one more missing piece of info about us. Transaction details. What exactly did I buy in retail stores? Many small startups have tried to solve this with Digital Receipts but haven’t been able to. Now Intuit is getting into it with Quick Receipts. http://myquickreceipts.intuit.com/index.php
    I have a feeling they will crack it and own our financial and purchase info completely.

  2. Kiran says:

    Intuit has one more missing piece of info about us. Transaction details. What exactly did I buy in retail stores? Many small startups have tried to solve this with Digital Receipts but haven’t been able to. Now Intuit is getting into it with Quick Receipts. http://myquickreceipts.intuit.com/index.php
    I have a feeling they will crack it and own our financial and purchase info completely.

  3. Kiran says:

    Intuit has one more missing piece of info about us. Transaction details. What exactly did I buy in retail stores? Many small startups have tried to solve this with Digital Receipts but haven't been able to. Now Intuit is getting into it with Quick Receipts. http://myquickreceipts.intuit.com/index.php
    I have a feeling they will crack it and own our financial and purchase info completely.

  4. jonn2 says:

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