When The Lightbulb Goes Off…And A #JewishDadBrag

I am off on my five week work and play trip around the world today starting in Toronto.

Last night I made a dinner trip to Las Vegas to see Max and catch up in person as he starts his second year at The PGA program. This summer at Spanish Peaks course he was working in the pro shop and had a lightbulb business moment when I asked him to try Whoosh.io operations software for the club. I am a small seed investor in the company. The club is using an older software called Jonas and Max obviously knew the ins and outs of the product so when he tried Whoosh and got a demo from Colin the founder he was blown away.

At dinner last night after spending a few weeks seeing how Whoosh worked inside and out and the sales process, pricing, pitch and possible deployment he started pitching me on why this was a ‘billion’ dollar company. I’ve never heard Max dive so deeply into a product or company or in ‘pitch mode’. His best buddy and roomate Luc was with us (also in PGA program) and comparing it to the product they were using up in Canada at his summer internship.

I joked on Twitter later as I caught a flight home…

I am joking about the valuation, but it was one of those ‘2021’ specials. Immediately someone called my post a ‘VC Brag’ implying I was bragging about an investment. I replied – ‘No that it was a #JewishDadBrag’.

Every parent wants to see their kids happy and healthy. That’s a big win. In addition, seeing your kids passionate about products, business, work and life it is just smile city.

I talk to hundreds of young people looking at jobs and career choices because I am always on the look for our portfolio companies. It is the most satisfying part of my job seeing 20 year old kids get excited about a product or company because it is such an important time of their life.

I wish this type of moment on all parents for their kids.