Who Said China was Dead?…Well, What do I Know?

I am losing my ass in FXP of late. Too many times at the well with success I guess… and about to say goodbye to the stock below $62 if and when that happens here.

Based on some of the action in Chinese internet names, that could be this afternoon.

Check out Chinese travel guru Ctrip (CTRP) .

Today, there is a MASSIVE breakout in SOHU.com (SOHU) , best I gather it’s Yahoo of China (that might not bode well :) ).

Baidu is cranking as well.

I don’t any of them right now but am following them.

I do own a small amount of Shanda Interactive (SNDA) (in gaming, I own ERTS, NTDOY as well) and thats running today as well.

It’s hard to value anything in China, let alone, explosive consumer internet brands. Money management is the only prudent way to invest and stay invested.

It’s a bigger casino than we have here so ‘man up’ and treat it like one (with respect) if you want to invest.