Why I sell on Way Up…Why that's Been Wrong!

In 2007, I loved both CROX (CROX) and Smith and Wesson (SWHC) . I also sold them. Smith and Wesson has dropped like a stone from $21 to $5. Wow.

Thank Goodness.

In hindsight, these sales look genius, but are mostly luck. They are just part of my chosen strategy.

I want to hone this luck/skill/strategy in 2008.

My strategy has not been good at all with respect To Apple, RIMM, NUAN, FSLR, BIDU and many other stocks in my portfolio. Any sale has been wrong. Bigtime. I would rather have been bit over the head with the intitial big declines in CROX and Smith and Wesson for the gains I have passed up in my other winners.

It’s why computers can manage open risk positions better than humans. Lot’s more on this in 2008 as I hope to get Blackstar to open up with me now that I am reallocating :) .