The year 2017 …More Appreciating, Less Apologizing and a Few Predictions

In 2016 we learned that you can be President of the United States if you don’t apologize.

We have become a nation of Crying Jordan’s for god’s sake:

To me that means we all need to do less apologizing and more appreciating in 2017.

On that note I really appreciate 2016 and turning the calendar.

I’m alive for one big thing. My family is healthy. Rachel finished her first semester as an honor student in college. Max got into college. Ellen found us a home in Phoenix and moved the family off Coronado island for a little while.

In the same year we got two at 2.2 percent and one at 4.75 percent. Ok screw that prick Donald Trump and his bullshit no apology rule!

As for being free in America…come on. We do not appreciate it enough.

Just today, Amazon launched patented plans for a flying warehouse.

Just today, the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey did not just tweet me, but agreed on a feature request.

I have NO cable TV at my new home and have never been more entertained because of Netflix and Amazon Prime.

I have Adderall to wake me up and Ambien to put me to sleep…chemical gold.

Speaking of gold, I have a bunch of Bitcoin which trade for $1,000 per and no idea what to do with and no physical gold (including jewelery).

In 2016 I lost 20 pounds without dieting. I ate more pizza and pasta than ever. I chased that pizza with a lot of sweet tarts. Sugar is my addiction that needs kicking in 2017.

I ate a lot of popcorn at Harkins movie theaters in Phoenix. They prove that even with mostly bad product from the studios you can still build an incredible entertainment product and destination.

Prediction sidenote – Harkin’s offers some insight into the reimagining of American malls. Apple, Amazon and Netflix (long all three) will save American malls with content and experience. There are hundred’s (maybe thousands) of Harkin’s that will take hold in the coming years packaging the better content and technology that is offered from our new technology overlords.

I am still waiting for Google to get their mall mojo on…they sure as hell have no excuse in 2017…

I appreciate my lifestyle and the fact that the biggest risk I have to take in my life are the miles I put on under my feet.

I rode 1,600 miles on my bike and climbed Stelvio pass with some buddies.

I flew more miles than ever in 2016 and really appreciate the airlines and the means to fly business class internationally.

I appreciate WordPress and all the people that read my riffs and say hello.

I appreciate my investors, LP’s and the team at Stocktwits for kicking ass.

I will keep investing in people and my networks because that is the best way I know how to leverage and show my appreciation for my good fortune.