YouTube stays in the news – we all owe them a debt of gratitude

The NY Post is live with a YouTube story. Seems like the Company will only consider a $1.5 billion price tag. The blogosphere will be up in arms.

TechMeme will have more of the links on the story.

I say good for them, good for you and good for me.

I am not a shareholder, but good for them :) (unless they are wrong).

Good for you because they are pushing the old farts at Telecom and keeping the old media crooks on edge (for once).

Good for me because I live in this space these days and am rooting for them. They may have evolved from a somewhat questionable copyright start, but they have their asses on the line now every day. Every VC and old media site has them in their sites and they keep humming.

By the way – are there any more corrupt and nasty people in the free world than old media and telecom executives.

If they ultimately win, they will have earned it.