2010…I Will Miss You

Here are a few posts of mine from the last week of 2009. I was writing positiviley and optimistically about keeping it simple and the web.

Now that we are here, a year later, and it will be hard to let go of 2010. It is not so much about what went right, it is about so little going wrong.

I live with my family in Coronado and have two healthy kids. My immediate family on both sides stayed healthy too.

I work in Coronado about 50 yards from our house with a great and growing team.

I made a ton of new friends on the world wide web.

Stocktwits is growing fast. We added so many new superstars.

Companies that I was an early investor in from 2007 raised hundreds of millions in 2010…Buddy Media, Stocktwits, Bit.ly, Tweetdeck, Betaworks, Tubemogul, Appsaavvy, Assistly, Etoro.com, Foodzie, Virgin Gaming, Klout.com, Ticketfly, BlogTalkRadio, PlaceIQ, Stipple, Adstruc, Bill Guard, Limos.com and a few more I am sure I have forgotten.

In the public markets, I rode good gains in $aapl, $nflx, $intu, $amzn, $dgp, $slw $ctxs $swks $rax $arba $lpsn $tmrk …and shared the entries and reasons in real-time and along the way. I sold many too early as usual.

Momentum Monday’s, Stocktwits50, Yahoo Finance launch, The Web is Dead Series, Le Web, The Stocktwits Roast of Alan Schoenberg in Chicago, so much learning and sharing and laughs…more to come in 2011 for sure.

I hope your holidays and year went as well as mine and if not, I have some ideas for 2011 coming up in my next post.


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