From: May 2011

Things that Make me say WOW!

My kids make me say wow. Every Day! Driving over the Coronado bridge makes me say wow. Every time I drive over it. Momentum and stocks make me say wow…hundreds of times a day. Take a look at this chart. You think it’s overvalued. You thought so at $10 too. Oil is at $110 and …

The Next 10 Years…

Nobody knows! Nobody knows what the next 10 minutes will be like, let alone the next 10 years. It used to be no one cared what the next 10 minutes were going to be like. Twitter has changed that for good at this point. What we can do is look back for patterns and try …

The Markets Post Osama Bin Laden…

It has been quite a ride for momentum stocks around the world and I don’t expect much to change in the coming months. The renewed confidence could as easily mark a ‘top’ in the market an acceleration in gains. Two big thoughts came to mind immediately after hearing that an American Navy Seal gunned down …