From: July 2019

Introducing Stocktwits Plus and A New Look

Yesterday, Stocktwits launched a premium version of Stocktwits. The details are here. Justin, Stocktwits COO, has a great take on the future: Most large scale social networks are ad supported and frankly any social or content network with large scale and mass market aspirations is much wiser building up enough scale to launch a unique …

Hello From Portrush

Max and I landed this morning in Belfast and got a quick 9 in at The Malone course which was great. The power of Google was on display as we landed, I searched golf courses near Belfast, found and ranked the top ones, pressed directions and off we went. After 9, a beer, some fish …

Hello From London

Max met me in London this morning as we make our way to Belfast for the British Open and we hit the city this afternoon. We mostly walked around SOHO and surrounding areas. I had a beer with Naveen, co-founder of Foursquare and now a partner at Expa who happened to be in the city …

Go Forward….

All this ‘go back’ rhetoric is so infuriating. It is childish. It is dangerous. It’s also not the future. The USA is going to move forward and those cheering ‘go back’ will be left screaming at Twitter and their televisions when the pendulum swings hard sometime soon. Like Fred Wilson, I am for immigration full …

Why Facebook Needs Libra

I have been long Facebook since the stock crashed last Christmas and like everything else in tech, the stock has had a great 2019. Yesterday they took $5 billion of their cash hoard to get the Cambridge Analytica scandal behind them. I had no say in this payment, which as a shareholder, seems rather large! …

Retail Experiments

LULU Lemon opened a 25,000 foot store in Chicago yesterday. I think it is a great idea. LULU has community and their customers are bought in on the lifestyle that goes with the brand. They continue to be bold and experiment and seem to have endless growth opportunities ahead as their community grows and the …