Biltmore Ventures

Today we formalized a new VC firm and fund in Phoenix called Biltmore Ventures. We are shooting for a launch date of October 1, 2006.

Although I will never be considered A team (not speaking for my partners), it would not be a stretch to call us a team of Enlightened Free Agents . In fact, I love that term and I plan to use it ! :)

We will be focused on helping Arizona businesses and entrepreneurs in early stage internet and blog entrepreneurship ventures.

If the real estate market crashes, there will have to be some money earmarked for that too :) :) :)

Many thanks must go out to my Venture Dudes Blogroll for inspiring me and a few for the nudge and push to take a shot.

I will fill you in on the rest of the crew when they let me :)

The website will be up shortly and there will be more blogging from at least one of my partners.

I am amazed at the quality of deals I am starting to see spawned from this now great city so now seems as good a time as any.


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