BlogTalkRadio is helping the Twitter 'Twits'

I will still not use Twitter . Still no point. I do continue to believe that a twitter program – microblogging – for stocks would be useful and I am sure we will see it soon. That’s cool.

All that said, Alan Levy’s team at BlogTalkRadio and Dave Winer created ‘twitterGrams ‘ and it is a cool feature. At least,
so says Fred and now a bunch of ‘twits’ are aboard .

The service allows you to send a 30-second .mp3 sound file to Twitter. You need a twitter account, but at least it’s free. I can’t wait till a bunch of us traders our shouting out ideas, across a global network. Lot’s of cool posssibilities.

Congrats Alan.

Disclosure – I am an investor in BlogTalkRadio .


  1. Twitter is fun Howard!! Dont you care when all your friends are blinking and reading and eating and sleeping?
    Like just the other day one of my twitter friends was eating a jelly donut and i thought to myself……… life is now complete.

    Actually im kidding…..Twitter is a great thing for me who isnt as “hooked in to the silicon valley circle” to follow what is going on in that world without having to read 100 blogs a day.

    I get little explanations and a link to the story or blog and bam im all caught up on news for the day.

    Im Twitterdicited. It did get me past the crackberry addiction.

  2. Brad Webb says:

    See, Twitter seemed too limited to me. The web and my phone aren’t mutually exclusive anymore, so the mobile bits have no value. Pownce, on the other hand… I’m a huge fan.

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