Breakfast At Tiffany's (TIF) on Wallstrip…Lindsay OWNS Audrey

Awesome job by Lindsay and the Wallstrip team making a beautiful show today on a great luxury brand.

I don’t own luxury brands like Coach or Tiffany’s. I don’t shop there and have no feel for the stores or products and frankly, have no interest in getting involved.

One thing for sure in this global economy, the rich have become the super rich and that has been a boom for stocks like Tiffany’s (TIF) .

You would think that the super rich shoppers of Tiffany’s would not be affected by the credit crunch or any slowdown, but the stock’s crazy volatility since this summer suggests otherwise. When I put the stock on the production timeline a few weeks ago, it was trading at all-time highs of course. Now it is back in long-term congestion.

If you believe in the growing global wealth phenomenon, don’t follow my lead on Tiffany’s. This is a brand that would continue to thrive and if jewelery and diamonds are your thing, check out a store and get involved in this trend. Brian has a look at the technical picture that may help you ease into and out of a long-term and short-term position.

Disclosure – No Positions


  1. mrkcbill says:

    Bought it @56 the 1st time watched it go to $42 and then back to $56…happy not to own it anymore. I think its an M&A trade

  2. maximo says:

    We did a project in B-school last semester and to our surprise the real rich did not shop at Tiffany’s. Tyffany’s is middle and upper classs wannabe wealthy, so they are vulnerable to the economic downturn. De Beers is also very agressive these days and they just opened an online site to match Tiffany’s ecommerce divison here in the U.S. The FT had a nice section on luxury brands this past weekend. It was very informative.

  3. William Hartman says:

    I’d compared Lindsay with Audrey Hepburn to a friend a while back and to see her in action was fantastic. Audrey had fun with a very natural sense of humor and a combination good girl/bad girl–exactly how Lindsay comes across. Nice Work!

  4. Pingback: 11-13-07 Tiffany & Co. (TIF) | Wallstrip

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