Buddy Media is Going for It!

I have written a few posts about Mike and Kass Lazerow on my blog. They swing for the fences.

It was not too long ago…September 2007 to be exact, that Buddy raised it’s first $1.5 million in a seed round.

Last week Buddy Media raised $54 million in a D round. Nobody, including trigger finger Howard (me) could sell. I am thrilled for them and for me. I met Mike through James Altucher. A classic early case of Social Leverage. Mike never returned my calls from the Altucher intro…knowing James as well as I do now, I understand Mike’s concerns :) .

The original $1.5 million round was put together at the Stone Rose bar in the Time Warner Building. Mike was leaving CBS, I had just met Mike at CBS who had just purchased Wallstrip. When I was introduced to Mike, I said ‘hey you are the dude who never returns my calls re Golfnow.com. He said…well it was an intro from James…come on!

I mean what are those odds of us meeting in that circumstance. We hit it off, went for a beer and Mike wanted in on the Facebook developer program which Facebook had just opened up the day before. I said I am in, he threw out a bunch of domain names and we both dug Buddy Media. I gave a bad cell phone pitch to Mark Pinkus (Zynga founder) from the bar, who said count me in. Five minutes later he called me back and said Peter Thiel is sitting with me and is in as well. We had the round. James Altucher was in (his wild days), Roger Ehrenberg as well and some of Mike’s investors committed and he and Kass were off.

I have, as usual, sold a lot of my stock too early, but am along for the ride now on Bernacke’s money and the hope that Warren Buffett can’t change the tax code.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Excellent execution by the guys at BuddyMedia, and a great anecdote on the power of Social Leverage. Congrats to Mike & Kass and the investors…

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