Bullish On Holsters

I love my iPhone $AAPL. I like my Droid $GOOG. I ditched my Blackberry. I may have to buy a $MSFT phone just to have better depth of what I make fun of.

You can be bearish on the markets, but you would be silly to be bearish on DEVICES.

It makes sense to me than, that I need a holster. I don’t want to walk around with all my mobile tools looking like a plumber (no offense to all my plumbing readers like The Fly), I need quick draw and a lot of concealmentt.

I don’t want a man purse, I want a holster.

When I was mentioning this at dinner a few weeks back, I was sitting with my pal David Tisch and his lovely and talented girlfriend Zara Terez. Zara makes insanely beautiful handbags so in a way I was pitching a product for confirmation.

Turns out, she is like a full season ahead of me as she has just launched the Holster. Unfortunately it’s just for ladies though.

If you missed the Google trade and feel bad about it, buy one of these for your wives or girlfriend.


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