By The Way… I was Buying Today – SPY, Apple and AMZN

I am doing more Twittering than Blogging. It’s just more fun and sanity preservation for me to get the thoughts out of my head right away. It’s also importaant to focus my thoughts into tight bursts. Focuses the mind.

I was fishing with the kids today in Florida and looking at the mess that is the Miami skyline, but thought to myself that everybody already knows this. The big money is almost done blowing out their realestate and financial equities (short-term) and if you have not made money from shorting certain stocks on the ‘Credit Crunch’ and are just starting to panic or even short…you are going to get F@#KED as well.

I was really surprised to check the market this morning from my crackberry and see the Dow down big. I think the rally the other day was a little more meaningful. I mean Fannie Mae me ultimately be headed for single digits, but becoming a teenager so fast after just being in the $60’s is a little much.

My ‘tells’ right now are the SKF, Fannie Mae and today’s intra-day lows in Amazon, Apple and SPY.

I bought some of the above and twittered it from the fishing boat a few miles offshore. I figured it might be worth blogging it now that I have thought more about why I bought.

We won’t go straight up and we may very well blow up again tomorrow, but I have lot’s of cash to put to work and it just seemed o.k this morning. I also have a clear idea of what my losses would be if I am wrong. I love that more than anything if I am trading.

Than again, it could have been the intense sun on my brain as well.

PS – Take your kids fishing. Mine had the ultimate experience today – calm seas, lot’s of different fish and their dad.

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