Sirius and XMSR (Shit Squared) Still Kicking… But Why? AND Other Busted Trends

My site redesign goes live next week and I have been looking through my archives for some of my personal favorite posts and Wallstrip’s . Thank goodness for tagging.

It’s been a while (October 2006) since I visited two stocks I think go to zero (XMSR and SIRI) . They get less relevant everyday that iTunes and iPods exist. Furthermore, internet services like BlogTalkRadio which are global, open (think NFL network and the 60 year old Howard Stern whitelabelling this service and controlling it for themselves), interactive and free should long survive the satellite radio guys, which is exciting because I am an investor :) .

Lot’s of things we love die…but satellite radio is one that has been on dumb investor life support forever. The government cares way too much as well about these awful businesses as well . Their management’s have run the businesses like drunken sailors. While nerds complain about a Web 2.0 bubble, more money has been pissed away building out these two turdish models than all of Web 2.0 combined.

I remember when I conducted the first CAR on the street interview with Lindsay:

All-Time Lows is a concept I have been pushing for at Wallstrip because it is just as important to help investors spot busted stocks and models and preserve capital as it is to find stocks in positive trends. We have only covered Whole Foods, Sirius/XMSR and Trump, but I want to do more of this soon.

Whole Foods (stock was in mid 40’s when we did the show in November, 2006 and $31 today)

Trump (also an inevitable zero we covered at $6 and change – now at $3 and change):

Some good times and content over the years for sure. Good memories.