Case Study…Stock Nirvana..Watch the Winners

Here are my Nirvana stocks…what are they doing well. What do they have in common.

Apple – Open Field

Chipotles (another sweet all-time high – the perfect delivery of a good food in a growing demographic)

Google (No position)

Baidu (No position)

RICK’s (Boobs, no evaluation needed, Been selling)

ESRX (Scam so it’s easy, Long)

AUXL (sex creams, duh)

QDEL (Fear and Viruses…Likely a wild one over time as in the past)

AMZN (Deep Knowldege of everything, scaling and tentacles with data)

LIFC (long, risky and no idea and could be fleeting)

GOLD – Policy

Adobe -(dominant, embedded in business and entertainment culture of the web)

ORA – Alternative energy play with earnings

WFR – Same as above

Solar – Hot theme…hold your nose and ride it

China – SAME :)

CME – Legal Bookies and skimmers – THE HOUSE

IBKR – Skimmmmmm

Dolby – Long. Complete monopoly and license fees. Huge Margins. Should own more and this one bugs me for not being in heavy

RIMM – Focus and Addiciton and a perfect product

Mastercard (MA) – Skimming with no risk. No position, should have bought on weakness when I last wrote about it.

All these stocks were overvalued 100 percent ago and in some cases 300 percent ago. All could have easily been sold for a myriad of reasons but none have violated the reasons and catalyst for first buying them.

I own many more winners that I don’t think hold the mustard of this grpup because of the dominance these really hold in pricing, distribution, execution and open field opportunity (context)


  1. ToddinFL says:


    Not like you need any advice from me as you’ve been banging it like a prom king of late …

    That said; I’d be out of RIMM if it fails at $113 -115.

    CMG: Crazy valuation. Love the company but I want to own it at a more reasonable valuation.

    ESRX: Watched the the stock back in the early 90s and never figured it would go this far. Goodness gracious! But I’m not a buyer at these levels.

    Look at TECH from ’90 to current. One that I actually owned and let get away. If you look up the word ‘stupidity’ at Wiki, you’ll find my pic. Ha!

    Always appreciate your input. Smaller capitalization companies typically do better than the megacaps, IMO.

    I’m looking for the next APCC, TECH, CSCO, MSFT, ORCL, etc.

    Keep up the good work. You’re on the right track. :)

  2. Kevin says:

    > Solar – Hot theme…hold your nose and ride it

    Sigh. I agree. But it’s really tough given how solar’s tanked over the past few days. I’m inclined to sell now, wait for a bottom, then ride it back up.

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