Cisco buys WEBX, Lindzon buys Cisco and NUANCE update

I am a Cisco believer and taking some profits from WEBX and buying some Cisco shares.

Scratch the stupid bubble years and this stock really hit all-time highs this year so screw my rules on this one :) . At $25 and change it’s pulled back nicely and offers an entry point I will take for the long-term.

As for Nuance, Om Malik tells me that the Microsoft/Tellme deal is good for Nuance as it means more royalties. I have no idea and have not had time to fact check the details, but I trust his knowledge. This trend is solid.

Disclosure – Long Cisco and Nuance


  1. amckinnis says:

    Here’s my take on all the flurry with Cisco – they are starting to realize that the network are pipes-n-sewers – you got to have ’em, but it only gets noticed when it breaks – not when it works. And if you look at the world from their view – they are the network – every network provider depends on Cisco gear. So, if the network is not sexy, what is – it’s all the about the apps baby. So WebEx – great SaaS company – add little storage virtualization company and community building tool – and you start seeing a different scenario – they get start coming up from below and see the light!!

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