Comedy 2.0 is upon us. Is Good Comedy gone FOREVER? Is there just DEFLATION in entertainment?

I sucked at stand-up. I was 18 though so life had not happened. I would rock now :) .

I miss the days of Gary Shandling, Mike Myers, SCTV, Billy Crystal, Eddie Murphy (pre going White) John Candy.

New comics just have nothing. Maybe we are just toooo liberal these days.

The last great one – was?/ is – David Chappele, but he seems long gone these days.

Maybe there is just too much comedy. What was good for the backers of Comedy Channel may have just killed comedy. Too much stuff. too much distribution. Too…..diliuted!

I was watching Dane Cook’s Tourgasm the other night. I fell asleep. He looks like Will Farrell but he has a fraction of the talent. He is confident, pretty handsome ( I would hug him), and downright enthusiastic. Heck – he’s the MySpace comic. Be my friend and I will be yours.

He is already hawking his new flick on YouTube . Holy Shit – he is downright shameless – bless his web 2.0 heart! Talk about speed to market. He may not be funny, but he is totally Comedy 2.0. Good for him, bad for entertainment. I just emailed him to broker a deal with Om Malik. That is smart!

That is the real bubble in Web 2.0 – entertainment deflation :( .