Seeking Alpha Partners with Yahoo – Yawn

One of the good things about having a venture capitalist behind your idea is the networking relationships and the IN’S with big players like Yahoo for the possible OUT.

What I see is Yahoo keeping a possible enemy close but not threatened enough to buy. Too big and clunky. Love to see how they get out of this one at Benchmark.

I was just reading about the deal over at TechCrunch . Details are thin. No money changed hands so it is just a PR deal. Thin for a reason :) . No substance as usual, just TechCrunch jumping on a PR announcement.

To me it’s just noise. Smart and eventually buried Venture Capitalists trying to bulk up Seeking Alpha with Yahoo Finance. Good from far – Far from good!

I prefer the simpler things – like Monty Python on stocks. Lot’s more meat and ENTERTAINING. I may be getting old, but need a magnifying glass to read Seeking Alpha . By the way, they link to me sometimes and the traffic ain’t so great. I will take a link from TraderMike anyday.

Stocks need less noise these days – not more. Trust me!

PS – Trader Mike has a link to the wonderful people at GE and CNBC who will offer us a paid version of their crap video content . Sweet – NOT!
Insulting really.

PSS – love the new YouTube player buttons.


  1. Michael says:

    Oh snap! It just hit me that Seeking Alpha actually raised some capital. Man, why didn’t I come up with the business model of getting a bunch of people to write for me for free. damn.

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