Compound Capital Advisors – Hello World

I have been fortunate to see all sides of the wealth management business over the last 25 years.

From running a hedge fund – to getting cold called by Goldman Sachs private wealth (after Wallstrip was acquired) – to thinking smarter about planning and wealth management with Ellen for our own family – to investing in financial services companies and “pre-wealth” technology startups at my firm Social Leverage.

The asset gathering and asset management business is gigantic and growing fast. Vanguard has 30 million accounts and Schwab just bought TD Ameritrade as commissions in the industry have dropped to zero.

In this expanding landscape, there is so much room to both innovate around and leverage existing platforms (like TD Ameritrade and Vanguard) to build great advisor businesses.

In the spirit of skin in the game and my outright bullishness on the space, I have partnered (non operating) with Charlie Bilello to start Compound Capital Advisors.

Charlie is a good friend and an amazing thinker about markets and money. Charlie has over a decade of experience in the sector. He is a lawyer, a CPA, a geek (quant), and a realist with an open mind. He is going to be leading Compound Capital and will have a lot more to say in the coming weeks and months.

In the meantime, you can follow him on Twitter and as he builds out the site and the brand. His first post title ‘Compound Your Life’ is excellent.

Together we started Compound Capital Advisors to not only help manage existing wealth, but to help those working towards building a wealthy and meaningful life.

To us, “wealth” is about more than just money. Ultimately, it’s about finding contentment and having a broader sense of purpose. What that means is different for everyone, but the goal is the same: stay on the right path.

If you’re trying to figure out the right path for you, reach out. We’re here to help.

Disclaimer: All information provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute investment, legal or tax advice, or an offer to buy or sell any security. For full disclosures, click here.