More All-Time Highs for Nike

Nike has been one of those stocks I have covered and owned on the blog for years. Here are all the posts on Nike over the years.

Yesterday it hit more all-time highs briefly crossing $100/share and up over 50 percent in 2019.

It has been a great decade for Nike…

The stock is on my 8-80 list and I try to add to it when it is down 20-30 percent which happens every 2-3 years.

The catalyst for continued success remains the DTC (direct to consumer) ecommerce trend that Nike has mastered and the continuing trend towards leisure and what I call ‘fashology’.

This article in ‘Footwear News’ titled ‘Why Two Nike Stores 5,000 Miles Apart Say Everything About the Brand’s Future‘ does a good job explaining the ways Nike is thinking about the future.