The Rarest Of Years and Decades for Markets

The year 2019 has been an incredible one for those that were fully invested in the S&P.

The horrific December 2018 is but a distant memory and the S&P basically bottomed on January 1 and never looked back.

Here are the numbers year to date in this Koyfin chart:

Koyfin has an incredible home markets page that is free for everyone which I highly recommend (biased investor).

The ‘passive’ and index crowd will milk all they can from the great year of 2019.

This weekend I saw a ton of Vanguard ads as I watched ‘The President’s Cup’ on the golf channel. Vanguard did a great job with the ads and created a pretty cool jingle.

Some of the winners this year that you might have heard of…

Google is up 35 percent since June.

Apple is up nearly 100 percent in 2019.

LULU is up over 100 percent.

Nike today crossed $100 and is up over 50 percent on the year.

Banks, Biotechs and Healthcare have even done better.

The end of 2019 also brings us to the end of a decade. Koyfin took a look back at the decade with a research piece titled ‘The Key Macro & Equity Themes Of The Last Decade In Ten Charts‘.

I like looking back at the trends over a longer timeframe to help me think about the years ahead.

I plan on spending more time on these charts and trends over the next few days to help formulate some strategies and ideas for the next 3-5 years.