Could the market EXPLODE to the upside?


I can’t predict but many areas of the market look awesome from a price perspective. It is a feeding frenzy.

I am off margin and feeling completely underinvested. No one away from Wall Street owns stocks. The average investor is long housing stocks, Yahoo (I am long but for the right reasons :) ), Ebay and oil I think. They wish they owned gold as a hedge against the end of the world. Yutz’s.

It is very calm and rotational unless you own oil. I own some USO and it truly is my only losing position right now. It was a stupid broken buy/trade in the low $50’s and a stupid hold here. I am holding :) and stupid .

Those assanine Goldman Sachs calls for $100 oil when oil was at $80 should be jammed down their throats. I have not heard that call now in a while. Oil would have to double from today’s prices.

Price targets are absurd and reduce credibility.

I am very interested in the price action of the BBH (Biotechs ETF). Amgen and Genentech are the household names. They have marked time for 2-3 years in wide chop and they could be ripe (no positions).


  1. Howard Lindzon says:

    thats market wisdom my man. CNBC should be banging on your door. Lucky for you they wont.

    Broker A

    I am long carbs so buffalo wings is likely a homerun :)

    check out my bod in tomorrows show – hint

  2. Howard Lindzon says:

    whos stopping you kid. Interesting company and play on Mexico for sureby

    please write a filty show for us on the subject.

  3. Broker A says:

    Mexicans love WU and I love Mexicans for using WU.

    I can’t write a show. Too busy thinking about how much money I am going to make on my next pick– which has yet to be decided.

    I hear MNOV is gonna get some fresh investors.

    Just throwin a log on the fire.

  4. Bill aka NO DooDahs! says:

    I grabbed XBI (another biotech tracking ETF) earlier in ’07 based on what I saw in sector rotation. It’s been good to me so far. I don’t think my position sizing adequately controls risk for individual biotech companies and don’t want to show my ignorance by picking one over another, so I bought the sector.

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