Deep Investing Thoughts…Hoard is the NEW Spend

I have been selling since the day I was born. I am not a good teacher, but I have learned a few things.

I know my comfort zone.

I love selling high risk.

It’s easy….

‘(Insert name here)…you are going to lose all your money.’

I have sold the whole spectrum of risk while raising money the last 20 years. While not the most scalable risk sale in the spectrum, high risk is the only one that can pleasantly surprise my investors.

The problem our country has for the forseeable future is trust. If you are selling anything other than big mattresses to stash cash, you might as well be selling hope and high risk.

If our government were to just print money and had it back to any SANE person (insert snark here) and say – ‘Sorry you were f%&*ked over by AIG, Lehman, Goldman, Equifax, Washington Mutual, (Insert Corporation Here), your parents…. – here is your money back’, those people would not rush out and make the same investments over again. They would hoard the cash.

If you believe that a six month rally will change it, you are mistaken. The rally may continue, but fewer people will participate.

It will take many years for trust to come back at the lower risk spectrum of the investment market. If you are selling anything guaranteed or low risk, you will be spinning your wheels.

For the economy to crank, we need both ends of the risk spectrum to be firing.

High taxes are the only thing that will kill the American love for the risk end of the spectrum, but time is the only thing that will cure the other end of the spectrum.

My gut says our leaders our poised to take away the only end of the spectrum that is actually working.

That’s why Hoard is the new Spend no matter what the talking heads and leaders are selling you.


  1. Anonymous says:

    And to think that the revolution that helped the world end its love affair with “royalty” was started over a 2 penny tax on tea. The Founders would be rolling in their graves if they saw how many of our boom and bust cycles were started over currency issues and the taxation of productive means to support unproductive ends.

    Becuase I watched one big cycle from the 1950s to the 1970s as a kid, I learned that I would need to play both equity and commodity cycles several times over the course of my lifetime in order to assure that I had any assets to live on when I die. Our political leadership knows this and uses it to buy votes to maintain this caustic cycle which damages lives and destroys the ability to deploy risk capital, which is the ONLY true means to start new businesses, innovate new technology, and most importantly, hire people so that they might earn a livelihood.

    The only real trust that people in any country (but particularly for America) need to regain is trust in THEMSELVES. Our leaders can only sell the opiate of security, but their policies (particularly taxation policies) destroy the only true security that we have, and that is the FREEDOM to take risk. John Marshall, one of our first Supreme Court justices, had it right when he said “the power to tax is the power to destroy”. We are already seeing proposed legislation that would increase the fees (taxes) on transactions that would destroy or severely limit liquidity in financial markets now.

    If America is to be restored to a bastion of free enterprise for everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE), we need to teach these principals to people, as well as to teach future generations about what it means to responsibly take risk. We also need to restore the idea of charity (not at the point of a gun, which is what taxation is), but for people to give to those who are having a tough time, but also to lift them up to help them find their own since of self-reliance. That restoration of ethics would do much to help others find their own way and to take their own risks.

    The Keynesian is a value destroying Marxist-elitist, and the merchantilist is a builder of material wealth who is also a selfish elitist. John Adams may have said it best when he said “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Religion at the time (and probably still today) is a code of ETHICS. I think in today’s society so afraid to talk about ethics other than to condemn the ethics of others, take that quote and replace religious with ETHICAL. I think it is unethical to destroy the value of currency (as we have done consistently since the founding of this country) but it is also unethical to destroy the ability of people to TAKE RISK. Regulations that punish profit and pay punish RISK. That is, in my view, immoral.

    It is also, however, immoral for the risk-taker to just hoard the cash, because the system that allowed him to do it demands that he give back to those who have the ability and opportunity to take risk. Government only taxes, however, not to provide help to people, but simply to control people. The bureaucrat is just as unethical and greedy as the capitalist, but he wants to take all freedom away from you, even the ability to contribute freely to the welfare of others.

    If only people, particularly the capitalists, would realize this, we could truly rebuild this nation in ways that would be truly unimaginable to the suits who mumble about policy at the G-20, but have no experience at all in building jobs. Those folks are empty suits. Spending does nothing but destroy value. Investment and sweat equity works over time.

    You and I need to teach people about the value of investment and the value of giving back. Redistribution only provides contentment, but contentment does not bring change. Contentment is the opiate of corrupt politicians. As investors and business people, we must distrust both the capitalist and the Keynsian Marxist, and pay forward our knowledge of capital formation and charity. We need to take the responsibility of uplifting people and get government out of that business. Government, just like the unbridled merchantilist, only wants to exploit and take control. We as investors and individuals must teach others how to control their own lives and teach others to do the same.

    The Founders of this nation saw that ideal. We need to bring it back. If you cut out that “2/3 of a person” compromise made to make this nation whole against the British empire, that constitution, save for the 16th Amendment, is a pretty damned good model. It is up to us and investors and business people to do what our school systems are not doing, teach the principles of proper risk-taking and the responsibility to teach others to do the same.

    Damn that was a long note, but your post inspired me to crank it out lol.

  2. Anonymous says:

    And to think that the revolution that helped the world end its love affair with “royalty” was started over a 2 penny tax on tea. The Founders would be rolling in their graves if they saw how many of our boom and bust cycles were started over currency issues and the taxation of productive means to support unproductive ends.

    Becuase I watched one big cycle from the 1950s to the 1970s as a kid, I learned that I would need to play both equity and commodity cycles several times over the course of my lifetime in order to assure that I had any assets to live on when I die. Our political leadership knows this and uses it to buy votes to maintain this caustic cycle which damages lives and destroys the ability to deploy risk capital, which is the ONLY true means to start new businesses, innovate new technology, and most importantly, hire people so that they might earn a livelihood.

    The only real trust that people in any country (but particularly for America) need to regain is trust in THEMSELVES. Our leaders can only sell the opiate of security, but their policies (particularly taxation policies) destroy the only true security that we have, and that is the FREEDOM to take risk. John Marshall, one of our first Supreme Court justices, had it right when he said “the power to tax is the power to destroy”. We are already seeing proposed legislation that would increase the fees (taxes) on transactions that would destroy or severely limit liquidity in financial markets now.

    If America is to be restored to a bastion of free enterprise for everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE), we need to teach these principals to people, as well as to teach future generations about what it means to responsibly take risk. We also need to restore the idea of charity (not at the point of a gun, which is what taxation is), but for people to give to those who are having a tough time, but also to lift them up to help them find their own since of self-reliance. That restoration of ethics would do much to help others find their own way and to take their own risks.

    The Keynesian is a value destroying Marxist-elitist, and the merchantilist is a builder of material wealth who is also a selfish elitist. John Adams may have said it best when he said “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Religion at the time (and probably still today) is a code of ETHICS. I think in today’s society so afraid to talk about ethics other than to condemn the ethics of others, take that quote and replace religious with ETHICAL. I think it is unethical to destroy the value of currency (as we have done consistently since the founding of this country) but it is also unethical to destroy the ability of people to TAKE RISK. Regulations that punish profit and pay punish RISK. That is, in my view, immoral.

    It is also, however, immoral for the risk-taker to just hoard the cash, because the system that allowed him to do it demands that he give back to those who have the ability and opportunity to take risk. Government only taxes, however, not to provide help to people, but simply to control people. The bureaucrat is just as unethical and greedy as the capitalist, but he wants to take all freedom away from you, even the ability to contribute freely to the welfare of others.

    If only people, particularly the capitalists, would realize this, we could truly rebuild this nation in ways that would be truly unimaginable to the suits who mumble about policy at the G-20, but have no experience at all in building jobs. Those folks are empty suits. Spending does nothing but destroy value. Investment and sweat equity works over time.

    You and I need to teach people about the value of investment and the value of giving back. Redistribution only provides contentment, but contentment does not bring change. Contentment is the opiate of corrupt politicians. As investors and business people, we must distrust both the capitalist and the Keynsian Marxist, and pay forward our knowledge of capital formation and charity. We need to take the responsibility of uplifting people and get government out of that business. Government, just like the unbridled merchantilist, only wants to exploit and take control. We as investors and individuals must teach others how to control their own lives and teach others to do the same.

    The Founders of this nation saw that ideal. We need to bring it back. If you cut out that “2/3 of a person” compromise made to make this nation whole against the British empire, that constitution, save for the 16th Amendment, is a pretty damned good model. It is up to us and investors and business people to do what our school systems are not doing, teach the principles of proper risk-taking and the responsibility to teach others to do the same.

    Damn that was a long note, but your post inspired me to crank it out lol.

  3. Anonymous says:

    And to think that the revolution that helped the world end its love affair with “royalty” was started over a 2 penny tax on tea. The Founders would be rolling in their graves if they saw how many of our boom and bust cycles were started over currency issues and the taxation of productive means to support unproductive ends.

    Becuase I watched one big cycle from the 1950s to the 1970s as a kid, I learned that I would need to play both equity and commodity cycles several times over the course of my lifetime in order to assure that I had any assets to live on when I die. Our political leadership knows this and uses it to buy votes to maintain this caustic cycle which damages lives and destroys the ability to deploy risk capital, which is the ONLY true means to start new businesses, innovate new technology, and most importantly, hire people so that they might earn a livelihood.

    The only real trust that people in any country (but particularly for America) need to regain is trust in THEMSELVES. Our leaders can only sell the opiate of security, but their policies (particularly taxation policies) destroy the only true security that we have, and that is the FREEDOM to take risk. John Marshall, one of our first Supreme Court justices, had it right when he said “the power to tax is the power to destroy”. We are already seeing proposed legislation that would increase the fees (taxes) on transactions that would destroy or severely limit liquidity in financial markets now.

    If America is to be restored to a bastion of free enterprise for everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE), we need to teach these principals to people, as well as to teach future generations about what it means to responsibly take risk. We also need to restore the idea of charity (not at the point of a gun, which is what taxation is), but for people to give to those who are having a tough time, but also to lift them up to help them find their own since of self-reliance. That restoration of ethics would do much to help others find their own way and to take their own risks.

    The Keynesian is a value destroying Marxist-elitist, and the merchantilist is a builder of material wealth who is also a selfish elitist. John Adams may have said it best when he said “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Religion at the time (and probably still today) is a code of ETHICS. I think in today’s society so afraid to talk about ethics other than to condemn the ethics of others, take that quote and replace religious with ETHICAL. I think it is unethical to destroy the value of currency (as we have done consistently since the founding of this country) but it is also unethical to destroy the ability of people to TAKE RISK. Regulations that punish profit and pay punish RISK. That is, in my view, immoral.

    It is also, however, immoral for the risk-taker to just hoard the cash, because the system that allowed him to do it demands that he give back to those who have the ability and opportunity to take risk. Government only taxes, however, not to provide help to people, but simply to control people. The bureaucrat is just as unethical and greedy as the capitalist, but he wants to take all freedom away from you, even the ability to contribute freely to the welfare of others.

    If only people, particularly the capitalists, would realize this, we could truly rebuild this nation in ways that would be truly unimaginable to the suits who mumble about policy at the G-20, but have no experience at all in building jobs. Those folks are empty suits. Spending does nothing but destroy value. Investment and sweat equity works over time.

    You and I need to teach people about the value of investment and the value of giving back. Redistribution only provides contentment, but contentment does not bring change. Contentment is the opiate of corrupt politicians. As investors and business people, we must distrust both the capitalist and the Keynsian Marxist, and pay forward our knowledge of capital formation and charity. We need to take the responsibility of uplifting people and get government out of that business. Government, just like the unbridled merchantilist, only wants to exploit and take control. We as investors and individuals must teach others how to control their own lives and teach others to do the same.

    The Founders of this nation saw that ideal. We need to bring it back. If you cut out that “2/3 of a person” compromise made to make this nation whole against the British empire, that constitution, save for the 16th Amendment, is a pretty damned good model. It is up to us and investors and business people to do what our school systems are not doing, teach the principles of proper risk-taking and the responsibility to teach others to do the same.

    Damn that was a long note, but your post inspired me to crank it out lol.

  4. Anonymous says:

    And to think that the revolution that helped the world end its love affair with “royalty” was started over a 2 penny tax on tea. The Founders would be rolling in their graves if they saw how many of our boom and bust cycles were started over currency issues and the taxation of productive means to support unproductive ends.

    Becuase I watched one big cycle from the 1950s to the 1970s as a kid, I learned that I would need to play both equity and commodity cycles several times over the course of my lifetime in order to assure that I had any assets to live on when I die. Our political leadership knows this and uses it to buy votes to maintain this caustic cycle which damages lives and destroys the ability to deploy risk capital, which is the ONLY true means to start new businesses, innovate new technology, and most importantly, hire people so that they might earn a livelihood.

    The only real trust that people in any country (but particularly for America) need to regain is trust in THEMSELVES. Our leaders can only sell the opiate of security, but their policies (particularly taxation policies) destroy the only true security that we have, and that is the FREEDOM to take risk. John Marshall, one of our first Supreme Court justices, had it right when he said “the power to tax is the power to destroy”. We are already seeing proposed legislation that would increase the fees (taxes) on transactions that would destroy or severely limit liquidity in financial markets now.

    If America is to be restored to a bastion of free enterprise for everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE), we need to teach these principals to people, as well as to teach future generations about what it means to responsibly take risk. We also need to restore the idea of charity (not at the point of a gun, which is what taxation is), but for people to give to those who are having a tough time, but also to lift them up to help them find their own since of self-reliance. That restoration of ethics would do much to help others find their own way and to take their own risks.

    The Keynesian is a value destroying Marxist-elitist, and the merchantilist is a builder of material wealth who is also a selfish elitist. John Adams may have said it best when he said “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Religion at the time (and probably still today) is a code of ETHICS. I think in today’s society so afraid to talk about ethics other than to condemn the ethics of others, take that quote and replace religious with ETHICAL. I think it is unethical to destroy the value of currency (as we have done consistently since the founding of this country) but it is also unethical to destroy the ability of people to TAKE RISK. Regulations that punish profit and pay punish RISK. That is, in my view, immoral.

    It is also, however, immoral for the risk-taker to just hoard the cash, because the system that allowed him to do it demands that he give back to those who have the ability and opportunity to take risk. Government only taxes, however, not to provide help to people, but simply to control people. The bureaucrat is just as unethical and greedy as the capitalist, but he wants to take all freedom away from you, even the ability to contribute freely to the welfare of others.

    If only people, particularly the capitalists, would realize this, we could truly rebuild this nation in ways that would be truly unimaginable to the suits who mumble about policy at the G-20, but have no experience at all in building jobs. Those folks are empty suits. Spending does nothing but destroy value. Investment and sweat equity works over time.

    You and I need to teach people about the value of investment and the value of giving back. Redistribution only provides contentment, but contentment does not bring change. Contentment is the opiate of corrupt politicians. As investors and business people, we must distrust both the capitalist and the Keynsian Marxist, and pay forward our knowledge of capital formation and charity. We need to take the responsibility of uplifting people and get government out of that business. Government, just like the unbridled merchantilist, only wants to exploit and take control. We as investors and individuals must teach others how to control their own lives and teach others to do the same.

    The Founders of this nation saw that ideal. We need to bring it back. If you cut out that “2/3 of a person” compromise made to make this nation whole against the British empire, that constitution, save for the 16th Amendment, is a pretty damned good model. It is up to us and investors and business people to do what our school systems are not doing, teach the principles of proper risk-taking and the responsibility to teach others to do the same.

    Damn that was a long note, but your post inspired me to crank it out lol.

  5. IRON100 says:

    And to think that the revolution that helped the world end its love affair with “royalty” was started over a 2 penny tax on tea. The Founders would be rolling in their graves if they saw how many of our boom and bust cycles were started over currency issues and the taxation of productive means to support unproductive ends.

    Becuase I watched one big cycle from the 1950s to the 1970s as a kid, I learned that I would need to play both equity and commodity cycles several times over the course of my lifetime in order to assure that I had any assets to live on when I die. Our political leadership knows this and uses it to buy votes to maintain this caustic cycle which damages lives and destroys the ability to deploy risk capital, which is the ONLY true means to start new businesses, innovate new technology, and most importantly, hire people so that they might earn a livelihood.

    The only real trust that people in any country (but particularly for America) need to regain is trust in THEMSELVES. Our leaders can only sell the opiate of security, but their policies (particularly taxation policies) destroy the only true security that we have, and that is the FREEDOM to take risk. John Marshall, one of our first Supreme Court justices, had it right when he said “the power to tax is the power to destroy”. We are already seeing proposed legislation that would increase the fees (taxes) on transactions that would destroy or severely limit liquidity in financial markets now.

    If America is to be restored to a bastion of free enterprise for everyone (and I MEAN EVERYONE), we need to teach these principals to people, as well as to teach future generations about what it means to responsibly take risk. We also need to restore the idea of charity (not at the point of a gun, which is what taxation is), but for people to give to those who are having a tough time, but also to lift them up to help them find their own since of self-reliance. That restoration of ethics would do much to help others find their own way and to take their own risks.

    The Keynesian is a value destroying Marxist-elitist, and the merchantilist is a builder of material wealth who is also a selfish elitist. John Adams may have said it best when he said “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion.… Our Constitution was made only for a moral and a religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

    Religion at the time (and probably still today) is a code of ETHICS. I think in today's society so afraid to talk about ethics other than to condemn the ethics of others, take that quote and replace religious with ETHICAL. I think it is unethical to destroy the value of currency (as we have done consistently since the founding of this country) but it is also unethical to destroy the ability of people to TAKE RISK. Regulations that punish profit and pay punish RISK. That is, in my view, immoral.

    It is also, however, immoral for the risk-taker to just hoard the cash, because the system that allowed him to do it demands that he give back to those who have the ability and opportunity to take risk. Government only taxes, however, not to provide help to people, but simply to control people. The bureaucrat is just as unethical and greedy as the capitalist, but he wants to take all freedom away from you, even the ability to contribute freely to the welfare of others.

    If only people, particularly the capitalists, would realize this, we could truly rebuild this nation in ways that would be truly unimaginable to the suits who mumble about policy at the G-20, but have no experience at all in building jobs. Those folks are empty suits. Spending does nothing but destroy value. Investment and sweat equity works over time.

    You and I need to teach people about the value of investment and the value of giving back. Redistribution only provides contentment, but contentment does not bring change. Contentment is the opiate of corrupt politicians. As investors and business people, we must distrust both the capitalist and the Keynsian Marxist, and pay forward our knowledge of capital formation and charity. We need to take the responsibility of uplifting people and get government out of that business. Government, just like the unbridled merchantilist, only wants to exploit and take control. We as investors and individuals must teach others how to control their own lives and teach others to do the same.

    The Founders of this nation saw that ideal. We need to bring it back. If you cut out that “2/3 of a person” compromise made to make this nation whole against the British empire, that constitution, save for the 16th Amendment, is a pretty damned good model. It is up to us and investors and business people to do what our school systems are not doing, teach the principles of proper risk-taking and the responsibility to teach others to do the same.

    Damn that was a long note, but your post inspired me to crank it out lol.

  6. julie_poplawski says:

    I totally agree! I think that adds a complexity for anyone selling anything (in my case lifestyle/diet book.) We need to have more authentic and deep reasoning to get buyers to part with their cash. That depth of marketing and communication will ideally enlighten our community. Sadder but wiser, perhaps? But it separates the silliness from the legit… It's all good.

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  8. julie_poplawski says:

    I totally agree! I think that adds a complexity for anyone selling anything (in my case lifestyle/diet book.) We need to have more authentic and deep reasoning to get buyers to part with their cash. That depth of marketing and communication will ideally enlighten our community. Sadder but wiser, perhaps? But it separates the silliness from the legit… It’s all good.

  9. julie_poplawski says:

    I totally agree! I think that adds a complexity for anyone selling anything (in my case lifestyle/diet book.) We need to have more authentic and deep reasoning to get buyers to part with their cash. That depth of marketing and communication will ideally enlighten our community. Sadder but wiser, perhaps? But it separates the silliness from the legit… It’s all good.

  10. julie_poplawski says:

    I totally agree! I think that adds a complexity for anyone selling anything (in my case lifestyle/diet book.) We need to have more authentic and deep reasoning to get buyers to part with their cash. That depth of marketing and communication will ideally enlighten our community. Sadder but wiser, perhaps? But it separates the silliness from the legit… It’s all good.

  11. shellyk says:

    Oh! Thanks for this post dear. I have read the entire article , It is simply awesome.
    Why would anybody say it that way, you can easily get your point across in a polite and courteous way. Lets all just get a long.
    wow gold

  12. Anonymous says:

    Oh! Thanks for this post dear. I have read the entire article , It is simply awesome.
    Why would anybody say it that way, you can easily get your point across in a polite and courteous way. Lets all just get a long.
    wow gold

  13. shellyk says:

    Oh! Thanks for this post dear. I have read the entire article , It is simply awesome.
    Why would anybody say it that way, you can easily get your point across in a polite and courteous way. Lets all just get a long.
    wow gold

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