Ebay and The Telephone are Cool Again…WTF!

I am 45 years old but in web years it seems like 1,000 already.

Ebay was dead.  Like completely. Now they are almost cool again.  I love the possibilities of a Skypeless (never works anyway), Paypal reliant (they can’t be more hated) and $GSIC (leveraged properly) Ebay.

The phone call was dead not too long ago as well, but with my email box full and my mom the only one calling me, I would say the phone call has some upside for my attention.  I now tell people to just call me as I am lonely doing sales and biz dev via email and flying cross country.

I would never have thought this for my 2011 predictions which have almost all come true already in just March, but here is an update:

Give me a phone call, a great set of headphones and some companies to sell to $ebay in ecommerce.

Don’t underestimate voice.  You can still underestimate Ebay but its got a little groove back.

Bernacke is still wrecking this country post Greenspan and phone calls and Ebay can’t fix that.


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