Failure is Good?

Gordon Gekko was famous for the line…’Greed is Good’. One of my fave lines in a movie – ever.

Business 2.0 has a great article on Failure and start-ups . Hat tip Brad .

In the end, if you have the right attitude, peer group, and insight, failure is good.

If not, well…you become these clowns .


  1. Steven says:

    I don’t know those guys…hell I really don’t know you Howard…but anyone who has the balls to link to a video clip which calls tyou a douche-bag can’t be a douche-bag…a real DB just hides from that crap instead of exposing it for what it is…a waste of time…

    As far as vanity…hmmm…lets see…if vanity is taking excessive pride in one’s accomplishments..then what is more vain than saying that you are so good at making snide remarks (snarking) such that those who read what you write “might not notice” the point you are making..or in other words, you think you are so clever that it goes over a lot of heads…how vain is that comment…it very well may be true..but it is still vain.

    Or better yet how vain is it too start any website..and call your self founder and editor and chief…I mean geez before one calls anyone vain one should check their own vanity at the door.

    Of course I am trying to ge tin the middle of something that is obviosuly simmering here…I am just trying to point out that one should not throw stones when ones kettle is black..or soemthing like that.

    I just don’t get why there has to be discord amongst people who are just doing there thing on the internet. Like they say about is just high school with more money…I guess that is what all this high brow blogging website business is all about.

    Founder, Chairman of the Board, CEO, CFO, Editor-in-chief, Circulation Manager, Book Review Reporter, Blog Reviewer, and part-time Janitor of ValueBlogReview

    guess that makes me vain too.

  2. Steven says:

    BTW I love the fact that my previous comment is right next to Kari on the GolfTv widget…lol…that way when the wife busts in on me in my office I can play it off and show her my oposed to being caught staring at Kari…LOL

  3. Howard Lindzon says:

    The best is that scoble at podtech is paying this guy a few hundred bucks a month to destroy their brand. podtech raises 5.5 million from vc’s and this is the people scoble spends it on. haters.

  4. Broker A says:

    I wouldn’t give those fuckers two old hamburgers to run together.

    It is doomed for crash and burn failure.

    One last thing:

    Should the market start skiing down the other side of the mountain, you may have to start chatting about stocks hitting all-time lows.

    You know, get ahead of the curve.

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