George Hamilton as Howard Lindzon on CNBC

My ‘friend’ Paul Kedrosky called me George Hamilton for this appearance on CNBC. I can explain.

The ladies were in Phoenix for the long weekend, so the boys (Max and I) played 72 holes on our weekend alone. We went a little overboard. I don’t wear a hat or glasses (messes with my feel). Max pushed off his homework. We took our lumps at home.

On my CNBC appearnace today, I figured I would not need makeup with my healthy looking tan. NOT!

Turns out, they hosed me down with brown paint. See for yourself:

By the way, it is a very interesting topic and from this @ivanhoff post, you will see that while the biggest companies can hold on for 10 plus years ($ORCL), the best performing stocks just don’t.

One comment

  1. IRON100 says:

    I think we will see playing fields disrupted in 3 to 5 year periods, let alone 10 years. I think AAPL has the most to lose without innovation and leadership, GOOG in the next 2-3 the most to gain as long as their long term strategies (and long term IS 2-3 years given the pace of innovation) remain intact and even fluid, and AMZN will be the benefactor from either as long as Bezos runs his shop. Bezos is a tireless adapter to market situations and has learned the capital game in the last 10 years to make the next 2 to 3 years possible. Oh, and trillion dollar companies? Inflation will take care of that. We might have 4 or 5 of them by the end of this decade (which is 7 years, or two “generations” away).

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