Getting back to some stocks – Cisco/Motorola/IPTV/Future of Tivo?

I miss stocks. I have really been away from the arena and am ready to find a little edge.

The problem in old tech is that there is no reason to buy. I do have the urge though.

First Tivo – Seems dead to me. BUT – something must survive from this.

Well, today I am reading that Cisco buys Arroyo. Here is the meat of what Arroyo does:

We’ve written about Arroyo several times before: It is kind of like a giant TiVo located in the cable operator’s network, as opposed to being in the home — effectively giving consumers access to thousands of hours of programming without needing to schedule recording. I like that! Smart.
Here is the whole story .

The rest of this story is that IPTV should be large and with Scientific Atlanta – Cisco will/would thrive in the new broadband age.

Other than Cisco, I like Motorola as well. Wish I had more conviction but it feels good to look.

Disclosure – No positions