Blogging for Big Bucks and No Whammies!?

I hate to see these stories on the covers of Magazines like Business 2.0 – if only because I love the model if you have talent.


But here’s what gives Arrington real distinction: He’s pulling in $60,000 in ad revenue every month. That’s 10 times what the site was making earlier this year, which was when Arrington, convinced of the potentially monstrous riches ahead, quit his day job as president of a startup to blog full-time.

The Good news is that the Blogosphere will be screaming bubble. They could not be more wrong. This is the 2nd inning. I think if you keep costs down and have a focused attack and gameplan, the returns can be staggering, just not in the same dollar category. The networking is another story!

Here is the full article . Dominic has all the relevant links to discussion which trust me will be mean, jealous and childlike towards Mike at The Blogging Times .

Timing is everything and he nailed it – for right or wrong!

I am bummed that I didnt lock down Arrington’s space at $6k/month. I tried and they (Michael and FM) were willing but my partners thought I was crazy. At 6k/month – I thought that branding for good web businesses would be great. At $60k month and competition in the web 2.0 reporting space and prettry watered down coverage – it is NO DEAL!

Oh well – I trust I am on the same path with Dominic and Chartreuse. Time will tell :) .

Great Fun! Time of my life really.


  1. Minic says:

    The good thing is that I am not the jealous type :)

    Congrats to the people featured. They deserved it for blogging so passionately.

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