Harley DavidSPLATT (HDI)

Ugreeee day, especially for Harley Davidson and the bears are really having fun lately with this stock that has tortured them over the years. All those poser owners are really sub-prime after all.

That’s o.k. with me because I am not near the pig…hog. Lot’s of talk about how much market cap Apple has lost the last few days. Please….The stock was $113 a few weeks ago. Assanine discussion from big media as usual.

Now, Harley, that’s a different story. I hate the stock, company and pretty much anyone that owns one of these cheeseball machines. Jews don’t ride bikes. Looks as stupid as a jew on a horse.

So, if you are a non-jew and ride one, there is a chance I could get along with you.

OR, if you are Lindsay:

Disclosure – Long Apple


  1. BSD says:

    Hey now Howard – I’m a Jew and I ride… never a Harley’s though – sportbikes only for me (but like a good Jew I wear full leathers even when I’m just going across town ;)
    Incidentally, there are Jews who ride the hogs, here’s probably the most well known “gang”: http://www.kingdavidbikers.com/

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