The Great Blackstone (BX)?

Maybe a better symbol would be BS for bullshit.

This has been a turd and it seems like for once, the masses were right for calling their IPO a top.

My favorite post on the matter was written as linked before by Andy Kessler a month or so before the IPO . He nailed the 1,000 point drop perfectly

Maybe private equity deals will just slow down to a more reasonable pace. Yeah, right. These guys have raised big funds and are paid not to back off. More likely, some giant deal, Icarus Inc., will get its wings clipped, just like United. Then we get a 1000-point drop in a heartbeat.

On a happy note, the demise of buyouts in the late ’80s led to a technology funding cycle that peaked a decade later. Something productive is sure to emerge after this buyout cycle as well. Keep some powder dry.

I have kept some powder dry. Like Andy said, much good will come from this bubble and these animals will be feeding on it first. You buy great financial brands when they are in the shitter. For me, that’s American Express and Goldman Sachs. I am adding Blackstone to the mix. They are hated…good, but please. These guys are sitting on a mountain of cash and they are the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest, greediest people on the planet and new animal partners will be getting paid in stock and that means beg, steal, lie, cheat to perform.

If it means squashing the common shareholders of homebuilding stocks, like hedge funds are going to do to Beazer Homes (happening right now), like they care. Done.

I don’t have the stomach for bottom feeding and shitting on the little people, but they do. The funny folks at Dealbreaker are having fun with their 52-week low watch and rightly so, but that won’t last.

If you are going to buy low, buy them, not indivividual stocks.

Disclosure – Long AXP

PS – Next week, I will dip into this brand. My kids will probably thank me. Start calling me names…


  1. phil says:

    a conservative BX strategy…

    u can sell the OCT 20 Puts for .8 or so. if the stock falls less than 7.5% over the next 30 trading days u make 4%. if it falls more than 7.5% your entry is 19.2 on OCT 22 which is approx 12% below the friday close… if the stock climbs more than 4%, u’ll feel a little like a shmuck for limiting yr gains w a put write startegy but youll get over it and still be ahead 4%…

  2. The dealbreaker post included the following: “China has lost over $800 million on its $3 billion investment into the Blackstone IPO so far.” Some how I get the feeling the Chinese will get the last laught.

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