Hey American Express…You suck balls

I have blogged of my love for AMEX $AXP pre 2007 and my hate for them since.

They suck. Case closed.

Here is the wording from their new ZYNC launch:

‘There has never been a another card like it’

Hmmmm. In fact, it’s so good, they have kept their green card, optima, platinum, gold, purple asshat color (ok PLUMB), black etc…

To not suck post financial crisis, you must surprise me. And I mean surprise me in great ways, not all the time, but I have NO TIME FOR NEGATIVE SURPRISES.

The stock market hates negative surprises. America has been mostly dumb since 1980, so they have never cared about negative surprises. We are too cheap in the internet era to pay for positive surprises, so we get Capital One commercials and ZYNC cards surprises.

Post financial crisis, I think we are a tad smarter and want surprises, we expect surprises. The companies that surprise people will thrive.

Those that sell ZYNC cards with hidden fucking stupid ass fees and overlapping choices should be banned from our landscape, especially the financial one. It is the business of bait and switch. The business of treating you like a dumbass. Just because we are dumb does not mean TARP’ed companies should continue to treat us that way.

You should demand surprises from the companies you do business with. You have the choice.

Thanks for indulging a rare rant.


  1. Anonymous says:

    If I could only understand what ZYNC stands for (assuming its an acronym), perhaps I could more fully appreciate the hours and hours of marketing labor that went into it.

    Then again, probably not.

  2. Kylepearson says:

    If I could only understand what ZYNC stands for (assuming its an acronym), perhaps I could more fully appreciate the hours and hours of marketing labor that went into it.

    Then again, probably not.

  3. let me save you any time. you wont. just a rant. if 10 people take my

    advice and cut up cards thats a win.

    debit and cash are the tools that spread wonder and joy. you use them and

    you will never be unsatisfied and with cash you can ask for discounts…JOY.

  4. American Express could have ONE fantastic original GREEN card. that’s for status financially. everything else is broken. as a smart and new service they could announce amex social…the BLUE card for people that have made great investments and have earned a bazillion points sociallly. These people demand more respect than the asshats that just spend. whole new wonderful set of clients. The contract can say that if you don’t pay, we van tweet it from the rooftops…

  5. American Express could have ONE fantastic original GREEN card. that's for status financially. everything else is broken. as a smart and new service they could announce amex social…the BLUE card for people that have made great investments and have earned a bazillion points sociallly. These people demand more respect than the asshats that just spend. whole new wonderful set of clients. The contract can say that if you don't pay, we van tweet it from the rooftops…

  6. hardaway says:

    That’s so funny. AXP$ gave me a similar surprise — declined my platinum card because i was over a limit (had an emergency). What effing limit? The one on the unlimited platinum card I pay $250 a year for so I can use it in emergencies? I also blogged about it.

  7. hardaway says:

    That's so funny. AXP$ gave me a similar surprise — declined my platinum card because i was over a limit (had an emergency). What effing limit? The one on the unlimited platinum card I pay $250 a year for so I can use it in emergencies? I also blogged about it.

  8. pointsnfigures says:

    I tried a Platinum Card for a year. Reason I bought it was travel. However, never could get the travel benefits. I could find two fares cheaper and pay with another card. Total waste of dough.

    I know guys with the black card, and it’s a status symbol. Only reason to have an amex card is costco.

  9. pointsnfigures says:

    I tried a Platinum Card for a year. Reason I bought it was travel. However, never could get the travel benefits. I could find two fares cheaper and pay with another card. Total waste of dough.

    I know guys with the black card, and it's a status symbol. Only reason to have an amex card is costco.

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