How I Set Up My StockTwits Desktop…It's all About 'TABS'

I have basically copied one of the Stocktwits interns in the setup of my Stocktwits Desktop. So, best Justin explains and his post is below.

One great thing about StockTwits Desktop is the Tabs feature. Tabs allow you to organize your streams into multiple orderly and easily consumable decks.

I have broken up my desktop into 5 main tabs: 1) Main, 2) Twitter, 3) Groups, 4) Watchlists, 5) News.



The Main Deck is where I keep all the main StockTwits and StockTwits Desktop streams. These include “Recommended”, “All Messages”, “StockTwits Web All” (The Default StockTwits Stream from the Web & Tweetdeck), “Mentions”, and “Direct Messages”. As StockTwits Desktop grows, I will probably replace the “All Messages” with “Friends” and “Favorites” streams, to better hone in on the information that I want.


I have created a Twitter deck for all my Twitter streams. These include “Twitter Timeline”, an “@zerobeta” search stream, and a “StockTwits” search stream. Soon we will add Twitter DM’s as an available stream, and when we do it will go on this deck.



The Group Deck is dedicated to all the Groups Streams that I am a member of. As groups grow, and I join more I may have multiple decks dedicated to Groups, but for now I just have one.



The Watchlists feature in StockTwits Desktop takes the portfolio feature to another level, allowing you to set up filters for certain portfolios of tickers in dedicated streams. Its great to be able to check this deck out every now and then to see if someone has tweeted something about a stock you own or are looking to possibly trade.



The ability to add news streams are a great feature of StockTwits Desktop. I have set up a deck entirely dedicated to news. On the News Deck I have the SkyGrid “All News” stream, news streams dedicated to certain tickers I am following, as well as RSS feeds of some of my favorite blogs and news sites.

Whats great is I can quickly open a news story in my browser, and if its something I find useful hit the “Share” button to quickly post it in a new Message Box.

Thats how I have my decks set up. I’m sure as it grows and I begin to use it more it will change and get even better. Please comment and post some links to some screenshots showing how you guys have set up your decks. We’re interested to see what great ideas the community has come up with.