Introducing StockTwits Desktop

We are pleased to introduce The StockTwits Desktop Beta to the public this morning. You can download it here.

TechCrunch has the productsfirst review here .

There is also a brand spanking new Stocktwits homepage .

Since the launch of StockTwits, we (along with our entire community) have been brainstorming ways in which to make communicating great information about markets in real time even easier and more robust. We think we have done this with the Desktop.

Soren Macbeth and Chris Corriveau along with the whole Genevate team have worked tirelessly to create an innovative desktop application that is simply awesome.

Here are some of the key features:

1. The StockTwits Desktop is both on and off Twitter. This means that users will have the ability to tweet to Twitter and the original StockTwits stream as well as to tweet only to the Desktop. This hybrid model creates highly flexible information delivery and reception.

2. The StockTwits Desktop has StockTwits.TV built right into it! This means that you can access your streams while you are watching live market focused programming from expert market participants.

3. The StockTwits Desktop enables users to create and join multiple market focused groups. This feature provides a ton of control. Users are now able to lead or join discussions on any topic of their choosing.

So if you are an expert in a specific area such as swing trading or if you wish to learn much more about any topic under the sun from market psychology to options pricing you will have a stream dedicated just for that.

In addition, if you are particularly interested in the work of one expert who runs a group, you will now be able to focus in on and participate in a discussion hosted by that expert.

4. The StockTwits Desktop has a web browser with multiple tabs built right in. This enables users to open links right in the desktop without the need for an external browser.

Aside from these features, there are tons more such as the ability to post and view others’ charts, tabs which allow users to build multiple customized decks, news and RSS streams and blocking features which allow users to block others from their desktop entirely.

Over the coming months we will be adding to these features.

We hope you love the StockTwits Desktop and welcome your feedback here or email us at

PS – Here is a detailed video explaining how to download the Desktop and to get going fast:


  1. Pingback: StockTwits Revamps Website, Launches StockTwits Desktop App | The Rogue Investor

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