I am sick of 24 year old internet smart dudes – NOT! AND why Networking 2.0 is the BIG MAMA of all earth shrinkers.

I just had dinner with Fraser Kelton . He lives off the face of the earth (Hamilton, Ontario) – no offense!

He is smarter than any big city Princeton MBA punk. He is self taught in something they don’t offer in MBA or law school – NETWORKING 2.0.

He is 24 and a VETERAN at Networking 2.0. I just had a mole removed that is older than him!

I can’t wait to meet 100 more internet youths just like him.

NETWORKING 2.0 is a trend that every teen and twenty-something should be experimenting with if they can read or write. By that I also mean – be careful what you post on your MySpace and Facebook sites as that is part of Networking 2.0.

I plan to capitalize on Networking 2.0 with ideas discussed tonight with young Fraser. I further plan to capitalize on Networking 2.0’s big offshoot – SCREENING (for FREAKS) 2.0 :)

Mr. CUBAN the internet is NOT BORING for Fraser and kids like him all over this great planet. Nor will it be for the smart person that steals him to help build internet companies.

PS – Fraser – don’t let me down if someone believes what I am writing :)


  1. Howard Lindzon says:

    Thanks dude for coming to your own site and commenting on your own post. Pretty good idea to get the conversation going.

  2. candice says:

    I really doubt the same generation that looks up potential boyfriends/girlfriends on google is naive enough to put really damaging stuff on myspace/facebook/etc.

    A lot of my friends are big fans of the “friends-only livejournal” style of personal blogging, just for these reasons.

  3. dan p says:

    I have to say that I’m another 25 year (just turned 25) old punk who loves the new networking game. I didn’t realize it until I went on a family vacation and told some of my family members about what I was working on, and who I had been meeting me. I got the same question every time: How did you setup a meeting with this guy? To me this is the most boring aspect of the meeting, because it was so simple for me, yet so unbelievable to them. I’ve learned how to use blog search, linkedin, myspace, google search, friend introductions, gobig network, and even skype to find and contact the people I’m looking for. It’s really exciting stuff.

    Great post

  4. Howard Lindzon says:

    That makes me feel great. let me know what else interests you on the market if anything

  5. Pingback: Howard Lindzon » The 2.0 trend. Silly but fun. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that”

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