Idaho…One Jew and the Republicans

So I visited Idaho. I changed my name first and registered a gun.

I packed up my banjo and took a couple of lessons and blacked out a couple of teeth.

Yep…overplanned. I read the wrong blogs.

Turns out, Idaho is quite magical. I was invited to join the Solon Family and Cohen family for a little vacation on McCall lake. We are already planning the same trip next year. My friend Mark Solon who lives in Boise, has been inviting me out since we met last year in Italy (courtesy of the Feld’s).

Mark is a great guy, father, husband, athlete, and as I have learned a GREAT photographer.

It’s quite a vacation luxury to have a friend with the eye and patience like Mark to snap photos like these that will be with us for our lives and cherished:


  1. Like Brad said the other day from Slovenia – “…being surrounded by friends is the best reward.”

    Those smart enough to recognize this + act on it early enough to make a difference are the truly fortunate among us.

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