If I could blog like someone else…

These days it would be FLY. The guy kills me. He writes like I assume he talks.

I do that sometimes, but I leave out the swearing which my wife hates and if I do it as often as I speak, there would be fbombs essssploding all over the place.

It is not just his swearing, but his overall energy.

The best part is he is smart and funny and has a funny and passionate audience.

Lately, he has been red hot. He has nailed this Microvision (MVIS) penny stock (once $60) and I am actually getting excited FOR HIM.

In fact, Microvision has a wicked product that will launch at CES. You can read about it at Buzztracker and TechMeme.

FLY is taking you on a personal journey with his large position in the stock. It’s awesome.

There is a show in this experience for Wallstrip and I intend to offer $4 for the rights.

Disclosure – If you buy MVIS because of this post or linking to FLY, that your cell phone may heat up and melt your ear – AND you will likely lose your money(how is that FLY)?


  1. Broker A says:

    Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.

    The disclosure was pretty good. However, if I do not receive a royalty check for “copywrited” material, I will have to send Joey Bag-o-Donuts to pay you a little visit– at your fancy Arizona golf course.

  2. Todd says:


    Stop repressing yourself. Let the words roll off your lips and onto the keyboard.

    Why not ? Who gives a fuck anyways ? Besides your wife, that is …

  3. Howard Lindzon says:

    Fly- funny bt I swear at home and not on this blog. Thats just bacasswards and will change.

    Todd – get on myblog already. Your site rocks.

    Todd – fucking a

    Todd – I am setting up another dunny blog for my wife. she wont see the old blog

    Todd – Whatever I do – FLY is still great. There is much great content on my blogroll, but only a handful of great WRITERS.

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