Jack In The Box…Feeling Nostalgic

It was way back in 2007 when we made this video for Wallstrip.

Seems like forever.

There are many new readers to the blog on the last two years that have never seen an episode so I will be posting my old faves now and again.


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  2. Syd P says:


    this is the portigal family here.
    WE just wanted to say that you look extremely stupid in this. but we love it anyways and think its hilarious! (nice paradoy of snl btw)
    my dad wanted to know if he could borrow the purple vest, etc. Its extremley shnazzy.
    good luck in cornado, and tell rach i say hey!

  3. Syd P says:


    this is the portigal family here.
    WE just wanted to say that you look extremely stupid in this. but we love it anyways and think its hilarious! (nice paradoy of snl btw)
    my dad wanted to know if he could borrow the purple vest, etc. Its extremley shnazzy.
    good luck in cornado, and tell rach i say hey!

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