Jack in the Box on Wallstrip

If you live in Phoenix, you drive by a “Crack in the Box” every day. After spending 14 hours filming this show at 5 different locations, I vow never to set foot in one again.

The curly fries are nasty and I took one bite of a burger that despite my girth and love of all food, made me sick. I did swallow :) .

This was a true collaborative effort by so many people. It surely taught me something about being involved in a real production. Not very glamorous stuff. A special thanks to all the following people:

Shane at Wallstreetfighter.com for bringing the stock to my attention, coming up with the idea for a parody and with his help writing the script, Jason from LTM provided the soundtrack and vocals, and Amanda at ThePeeledApple provided additional vocals. Aaron was with us all week helping out and was our sidekick in the video. You will see him in a Bruce Willis movie this spring. Finally, a big thanks to the JBX employee who just couldn’t get enough of our camera. If you don’t get the joke, check out the hilarious original (SNL’s – Dick in a Box):

So what about the stock. It is truly Wallstrip worthy. Check out the lifetime chart of this carb and fat machine. It was founded in 1951 and now that I have looked at the performance, think Qdoba may be contributing to the stock acting all internety :) . Qdoba is Chipotle like and has a loyal crowd.

Brian gives us the technical picture to round out our picture of JBX’s stock.

Disclosure – No position in JBX , but plan on checking out Qdoba and see if the hype is for real. Long Chipotle (CMG)


  1. angryinch says:

    Looks like your vid might mark the top-tick for Yack-in-a-Sack. Or maybe after one more distributive rally.

    Maybe the Chipotle clone will move it forward at some point. But can’t say I’m a big fan of JITB after spending the afternoon riding the porcelain bus after my one and only visit to this fine eating establishment.

    No doubt, however, the Yack-Sack chart must warm the hearts of cardiologists and gastroenterologists across the fruity plain.

  2. Steven says:

    The funniest part of the video comes when one realizes that HL did not need any wardrobe service on this one.

    I got a feeling that most if not all of HL’s “costume” came straight out of his closet or at least his garage…lol.

    My guess is the glasses, shirt, pants, and jacket are his…not to sure on the hat…and I hope to all that his holy that the bling is not his.

    Great job HL.

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