Long Yahoo…again

I am bullish on Yahoo. Not trending, not cheap, no momentum, not my style, not integrating, not executing, never had much luck with this beast .

It is one of my sleeper picks of the year and I am putting my money where my gambling mouth is.

One of my fave blog personalities is Marc Levin. We both love golf. He works for Yahoo. He has gone out of his way many times to help Wallstrip. He had no direct incentive to help, but thinks its the right thing for Yahoo Finance and pitched in. That is not enough you say…

I love MyBlogLog and Flickr and the potential of del.icio.us when they are all integrated.

They totally win the Finance category and by integrating TheStreetTV helps entrench further. They do need to incorporate blogs like mine and others from my blogroll and around the stock blogosphere, but maybe they will roll it out with an entrenched MyBlogLog.

Here is a big benefit if they integrate MyBlogLog with Yahoo message Boards – LESS SPAM, MORE HONEST OPINION. If I write something on the message boards and people can see my blog and profile – that’s credibility. You eventually can run the Yutz’s that hang around adding no value – OUT!

This stock has so much potential right now. Obviously, it is in a show me mode, but they have shown me enough this afternoon with their addition of a Wallstrip channel to Yahoo Video. It’s very cool and organized and I like it.

Here is how we look on Yahoo Video.

Tomorrow we will have a button below the show where you can subscribe. You will have 65 shows to download. Sweet.


  1. Howard Lindzon says:

    Fickle is better than pigheaded and always wrong. Its generally why I dont trade and write about trading. You sound like an ass faster and most of the time.

    I would rather write about stocks I have been long for 12 months like Apple garmin, rimm, rent, you get the picture

  2. marc says:

    Thanks for the link-love Howard. Sorry you didn’t make it out to Vegas for Pubcon so we could have met in person.

    Ironically enough, mybloglog is the reason we connected and that’s why I agree whole-heartedly with you of the value it has to the blogging world. (Your insight on how it could be used for the finance boards is spot-on!)

    Congrats on the front-page placement of wallstrip of yahoo video. Niiiiice!

    You’re long on Yahoo! … music to my ears. We’re in this together now! ;-)

  3. Howard Lindzon says:

    Stock is going way higher.

    It is amazing what I think a small acquisition like mybloglog can do for yahoo.

    I hoep they do it right.

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