Lotame Raises $10 Million…More Black Licorice!

My man Andy keeps barelling forward with his vision for ‘CROWD CONTROL’ product from Lotame and now has some more serious financing to roll out his vision. Andy (Lotame) has figured out how to wring money out of the hugely popular, but difficult to sell, social networking sites. The series A round of $10 million is led by Battery Ventures. Peter at Alley Insider has the full scoop .

I am an advisor to Lotame. Andy and I became great friends from his blind trust and video passion investment in Wallstrip, where he sat on the Board. He was a great inspiration to the team with his positive energy and ideas. Andy is the perfect leader fr a start-up and now gets to prove it further.

The money raising process is grueling and I spent some time with Andy during the process. Hopefully he will share some of the lessons on his blog. We did chat Friday about Black Licorice. Andy tells me you either love him or hate him, like Black Licorice. Me… I love black licorice. I love ‘good and plenty’ candy and just straight up black sticks of it.

You can’t/won’t please everybody so you must trudge forward in the stocks and entrepreneurial world. Head up and guns blazing. I expect to carry black licorice to all future important meetings. Good ice breaker.

Disclosure – Long Lotame.


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