A Month off Twitter ….A February Decompress

Place your bets…

It has been FOUR days without posting to Twitter.

It has been way easier than I thought to break the habit. Mostly because I am addicted to the markets and I have Stocktwits and the community of traders that I hang out with. I get all the engagement I need from the Stocktwits community. If I need to goof off, I can pick a trending ticker and chime in. I check the markets and my watchlist 50-100 times a day out of 20 year habits. That has not increased or decreased without me checking Twitter.

The main takeaway…Twitter is not nearly as much fun without being able to chime in.

I can totally understand why Twitter has to pull out all the stops to get people to share and follow people (unforced), but until someone actually shares and gets some feedback love, they are never going to be a real user.

Twitter can afford to lose a user like me. I have converted as many people as I am ever going to convert to the platform. The stream flows without me. Nobody has cared that I have disappeared for four days. I doubt anyone should.

From a Stocktwits product perspective, being off Twitter should help me think through our next feature enhancements.

I have this constellation app product idea for the stock markets that lies in between Stocktwits and Robinhood and I am finally setting aside the time to push it further. I hope to have it in developers hands before I get back on Twitter.

The best news is I am blogging. Good things have always happened when I blog.


  1. bsoist says:

    The best news is I am blogging

    My first thought when I saw the headline on this post – “I wonder if he will blog more now” :)

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