My Portfolio…The Bad and The Ugly

It has not been all roses of late.

I have sold my last part of Loopnet (LOOP). After looking fantastic, it has reversed and become a dog. It will take a lot for this stock to come back at this point. Need to keep my capital in strength and not dogs.

GSI Commerce (GSIC) has been trounced of late and I am close to a sell. Below $19 and I am gone.

EMC has no lift in strength and therefore it will likely continue to drift downward. Since that was not an all-time high, i have no perfect idea for a stop. I bought in the $19’s so now am underwater. I will let you know if I boot it.

Synaptics (SYNA) – I have long expected this stock to blow-up and it seems to be underway. No word from the company after a 20 percent drop. Par for the course. it’s why you don’t chase components and why I sold a lot in the $40’s and $50’s on the way up.

Trimble (TRMB) – one of my faorite GPS plays has been destoyed of late. I added more last week at $33. That’s been way wrong. My stop is getting closer in the high 20’s.

Starbucks (SBUX) – I have been trounced since starting to buy at $26 thinking a great brand down 30 plus percent was almost always the right thing to do. Obviously I am waaaaay wrong. Do as I say and not as i do. There is something deeper at work now that the stock is stright down 50 percent. Much has to do with inflation, and their price rises and much has to do with competition. This could be a secular problem and not just a cyclical slowdown. I am being stubborn, but it’s one of 50 positions, and a small one. I am not adding more. I may just sell the next good run if they get one. Here is a good article in the NY Times about Starbucks woes .

Blackboard (BBBB) – High $37’s and I am gone. It feels like that will happen. It as been a Black Hole of late. In fact, I have given up 7 points of gains and now underwater 4 on this trend and Wallstrip stock. Danny has a good look at why he thinks Blackboard is a buy at today’s prices . Me, I have no opinion other than the price sucks and investors can’t get out fast enough. I have a finger on the sell button on any further weakness. I don’t mind rebuying the stock back higher.

Cynosure (CYNO) – another Wallstrip stock, this one I own, that has just been thrashed. It’s close and I am considering a stop right here, but have not yet.

Sorry for all these if you have followed me. Let me know of others that need following up and I will try and get back to you.


  1. Jarowh says:

    “Sorry for all these if you have followed me.” No need to apologize. But more importantly thank you for being open to following up on anyone’s request regarding a stock you listed. Very kool.

  2. Danny says:

    thanks for mentioning my article!

    I think BBBB is a good company, but as you know, the stock’s action versus the company’s prospects can paint very different tales. We’ll see what happens.

  3. David says:

    I own from your list CYNO,bought after they had great earnings,SYNA, also just bought,paid arouind $50.00.
    Also own NUAN, because of their secondary, they fell apart, and Sirf.
    I like them all, but it is hard to fight the tape.
    Due to tax selling, I am inclined to take the loss.

  4. Don Miller says:

    LOOP has been puzzle to me; fundamentals and financial performance continue to be solid, and improving quarter-to-quarter, yet stock has driven down from high of ~$23. At same time, nearest comp, which is CSGP, has poorer financial performance but better stock market performance?? Drop in stock price started before any wiff of sub-prime stuff, and they are commercial real estate info services, not consumer mortgage. Any ideas on why market has been harsh on LOOP?

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