…The Power of a Great Product AND Great Marketing

The Lifelock team knows how to sell product.

As the internet evolves, I am getting less and less excited about the ‘freemium’ or ‘user’ model and only looking at customer driven models. I guess that means a lot more ‘NO’s’.

It’s not enough to have a cool product or application or service, you have to know how to market it. Period.

Lifelock is sure to be attracting competitors as the growth has been staggering, but true segment and industry leaders continue to improve the product, services, marketing and innovation and when you do that, first mover means a lot. That’s what Lifelock is doing everyday.

Check out the Lifelock gift certificate program . i know it’s viral because 4 friends who are customers sent me the link after they bought it for family members. If you have a family member spending oodles of time on the web, this is a great gift. If you have kids on Webkinz, Club Penguin, MySpace and Facebook…same thing. Buy it.

Disclosure – Lifelock investor


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