My Top 20 Movies

Thanks to Mike (some very anal organization :) ), Trader Jamie , and Trader-X for starting it off. Here are mine. After Number 3, any order suffices.

1. Scarface

2. Jaws

3. Godfather

4. Animal House

5. Blazing Saddles

6. Braveheart

7. Aviator

8. Blow

9. Tommy Boy

10. Stripes

11. CaddyShack

12. Pulp Fiction

13. Let it Ride

14. The Big Lewbowski

15. Trading Places

16. Wall Street

17. Deliverance

18. Saving Private Ryan

19. Schindler’s List

20. The Usual Suspects


  1. Nick Fenton says:

    Nice list…many of those are in my top 20. You should check out a comedy called Grandma’s Boy…a good laugh :)

    Also, judging from your picks I think you would enjoy Layer Cake and The Business. Both solid English drug flicks.

  2. Chris says:

    Maybe I will get my list together. Some good movies but you are lacking Mob flicks after placing Godfather at #3. Goodfellas and Casino are much better (IMO of course)!

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