Off Margin…..wooops AND adding a few more BIDU shares

At least I sold my few puts this morning.

The market is so strong that the CNBC can’t jinx it.

The market is so strong that Microsoft just hit 5 year highs. Yep – Microsoft. I declared this stock dead earlier in 2006 and said stay away. Terribly wrong. Obviously, the stock is not dead, despite the Company’s pure suckiness. Three explanations only – 1. Something good is happening at Microsoft that is not baked into the stock, 2. The economy is just flat out growing and it outweighs Microsoft’s absolute suckiness, or 3. A major headfake in the stock and it will return to it’s hole trapping the breakout traders.

I contend that search is just getting underway and money is flowing into Google, BIDU, Yahoo and Microsoft in that order.

I still will reposition into the strongest stocks and raise cash from my weakest stocks before earnings season gets into full swing.

Just a few weeks ago, Google and Apple haters (chart readers and nerd bloggers) were piling on as the stocks looked weak. As Tony Montana would say: “LOOOOOK AT ME NOW” or…”How’s about one of them first class tickets …to the resurrection”

By the way – BIDU, BIDU, BIDU….looks like an all-time high to me.

Disclosure – If you buy BIDU because of me, your next fortune cookie will have a fortune that reads…”You are a fucktard”
Long BIDU and Apple. Microsoft may be higher but they are still dead to me.

More Disclosure – Fucktard is the official word of THE FLY.


  1. Dogwood says:

    I completely agree on the suckiness of the company, that’s why I’m a Mac user, but even sucky companies make people money. I’ll ride the stock until it stops going up…suckiness or not. Stoploss firmly in place though.

  2. Broker A says:

    “The Fly” doesn’t like such negative comments left on his message board.

    Failure to acknowledge will result in a severe “poleaxing” of your favorite stock and cellular phone network.

  3. andy says:

    Gee who would have thought that MSFT was the contrarian play of the year. Just getting started, and AAPL setting up perfect for a fall from grace.

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